Alpaca Health’s AI Notetaker for BCBAs is designed to help clinicians focus on your child. Here’s what it does:

This has helped clinicians across the country spend hours more a week with clients, rather than with paperwork.

There are understandable concerns about using AI in clinical care, so we wanted to clearly share how we’ve designed the platform in a HIPAA-compliant, privacy-first way.

What data do you collect?

Your clinician can upload:

How is data stored and protected

  1. We do not use your data to improve or train AI. Full stop. Period.
  2. No external party has access to patient data — We build on top of industry-standard AI models (ie Google, OpenAI, etc). We have a business-level agreement with these partners where data goes in and responses go out. These partners will not store or train on data we give it. This is unlike what happens when you as a person use ChatGPT.
  3. Outside of your clinical team, only the founders of Alpaca Health can see patient data — Client data is under strict access controls. Additionally, if families or clinicians want to delete data, they can tell us at any time.
  4. Data is encrypted, de-identified and securely stored — Data is stored in secure, HIPAA-compliant cloud solutions that are regularly audited.